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  2. Mestro Portal functionality

Changed attributes

In this article, we'll show you where you can see changes made to items and by whom

A new feature from August 2024 is Changed attributes. This means that you can see who among you has made changes/additions to an object. When you, for example, add a new meter, the steps you take will then appear here. 

The following change types are displayed in chronological order in the modal and it is also possible to filter on the columns of the table:
  1.  Attribute change
  2. Was added 
  3. Disconnected 
  4. Moved 
  5. Created
  6. Archived / Activated 
  7. Active Period 
  8. Management period 
  9. Period of ownership

Under the edit tab you will find attribute changes on the right. Here you get a quick overview of the latest changes, and if you want to see all the changes, choose to open the extended view. The aggregate toggle aggregates changes on underlying nodes and otherwise it only displays changes on the node you are standing on. Works at the property level at most
For example, if you stand on a property and toggle in, changes to underlying buildings and meters will also be displayed, but if you toggle out of it, only changes to the property itself will be displayed.

In the extended view, you can see what date the attribute change was made, or when a meter was added, for example. If changes have been made, the previous attribute will be displayed on the right.