How to quickly identify the properties that you need to report usage or meter stand for!
Mestro Input is developed for you to report usage and meter stands for meters that aren't read automatically! This usually applies to water meters and in some cases district heating.
Pro tip 1: Meters are sometimes difficult to find, so help a colleague and write a comment to let them know where it is hidden!
Pro tips 2: Customize your route according to what your work round looks like, read more in this article!
We have created three symbols to make it easy to identify manual meters that require reading during your round.
Red exclamation mark: Manual meters are registered on the property, but no data has been reported this month.
Green check mark: manual meters are registered on the property and data has been reported this month.
Gray stop sign: No manual meters are registered on the property

Please contact if your property has manual meters that don't show up in the application!
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