My Last Edit Does not Appear Here is an explanation to why you might not immediately see that a meter, property, or object has been moved or edited.
When you edit an object in the Mestro portal, there are several layers of code and nodes behind the scenes that need to follow. It is not you, it is us.
With these object edits, a complex techy process follows. We should not bore you with that!
For those interested however, it can be explained as follows:
When you are editing an object, the change is registered locally. Following, your edit is sent to our back-end/database. The synchronization of the databases, java layers and Front End can temporarily be delayed until everything is registered in the database. If you would refresh the browser before all edits are registered in the database, the local edit might “disappear”, meaning that it might not show, but the request is still sent. What you will see is the latest hard copy of all data uploaded. Our system reloads automatically after 10 hours or when you log in again.
We are sorry that this sometimes happens and hope that it does not cause too much hassle for you. We are working to make this a more intuitive process and that there should be no need for a, possibly more headache-inducing, explanation.
We are a developing company and appreciate your feedback! If anything is unclear or you wish to share your ideas, don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager or send an email to .